Paoli Tech - Engineering school
The Paoli Tech Engineering School, internal school of the University of Corsica, is accredited by the "Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur" since 2011 to deliver the title of "Engineer in Energy".
After 12 years of experience, the school is now offering a new diploma in Agronomy engineering, openning in September 2024.
As an internal school of the University of Corsica, we benefit from a rich environment and the diversity of both the academic courses and the different profiles encountered on campus - students, professors, lecturer and staff.
Our mission
Ensure and develop high education and research in the fields of: Energy, Renewable energies, Sustainable construction, and Agronomy.
Our Values
We promote :
- Engineers who are immediately operational,
- Relationships with companies to facilitate the professional integration of our students,
- Participation in the economic and industrial development of the region,
- Raising awareness of the issues and professions involved in the ecological transition,
- Innovation,
- International openness, and
- Training through research, with the support of the University's laboratories and high-end research institutes in Corsica.
Key Strengths
Accredited by the French Commisision of Engineering Education (CTI) as an EUR-ACE Master program under European-wide quality criteria
Part of the "Arts & Métiers partenaires" network
Part of the French Network for Energetic Transition (CLER)
Accredited by the gathering of companies, research laboratories and faculties linked to energy Capenergies
Part of the cluster Pépite helping with student innovation and company creation
Valorization of self-initiative and involvement in associations