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Paoli Tech Engineering Shool | Università di Corsica
Paoli Tech Engineering Shool  |
> Choose your studies > Energetics


The Paoli Tech Engineering School offers top-level training in the fields of energy, energy management and control, sustainable construction and renewable energies


Target skills

  • Energy management
  • Design, size and develop energy production and storage systems
  • Manage a sustainable construction project
  • Manage a project and develop an energy strategy for a region or company
  • Take into account the challenges facing a company to support its Corporate Social Responsibility strategy
  • Design, model and manage smart grids integrating technological developments (Smart-Grids expertise detailed below)
  • Design, model and manage intelligent buildings as part of a sustainable development approach (Smart-Buildings expertise detailed below)


Target sectors

  • Engineering and consulting firms
    in energy management and production, intelligent network management, thermal regulation, technical building management
  • Equipment sector
    for insulation, energy production and transmission, energy system sizing
  • Building sector
    in new construction, renovation, Building Information Modeling (BIM)


Come and join us!

Training lasts three years and is organized as follows:

  • Two years of core curriculum
  • One-year expertise in "Smart Grids" or "Smart Buildings"



Three periods in a professional environment organized as follow: 
6 weeks (minimum) in 1st year
with the aim of discovering the business world, technical and management concepts.
Oral presentations scheduled for the week of July 22, 2024

8 weeks (minimum) in 2nd year
with an in-company project supervised by an engineering internship supervisor
Written report and oral defense scheduled for September 2, 2024

20 weeks (minimum) in 3rd year
on an engineering-level case study
Written report and oral defense the week of October 14, 2024


Smart Grids expertise
Specialization in energy demand management, power grid management, renewable energy sizing (photovoltaic, solar thermal, hydraulic, wind) and energy management and production in non-interconnected areas.

Smart Buildings expertise
Specialization in building audits and technical studies (building heating, comfort, energy diagnostics), as well as project management assistance.


ENSAM Semester

The "Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers" is one of our academic partners. 

Last-year students can apply for a semester of expertise at one of the following campuses: 

  • Energy challenges and low-carbon systems engineering
    Enjeux énergétiques et ingénierie des systèmes bas carbone" - Aix-en-Provence campus
  • Sustainable Construction Engineering and Management
    Ingénierie et gestion Durable des Constructions" - Angers campus
  • Wood: a local resource for sustainable construction
    Bois : une ressource locale pour la construction durable" - Cluny campus
  • Energy efficiency for the factory of the future
    Efficacité énergétique pour l’usine du futur" - Lille campus
  • Low-carbon energy and efficient energy systems
    Energie bas carbone et systèmes énergétiques efficients" - Paris campus



Project-based training is widely developed at the Paoli Tech Engineering School, via introductory research projects, industrial projects and collaborative projects

Innovation is integarted in the training through the "Challenge Innovation". The Pépite cluster and the Inizia incubator are also innovation partners

The curriculum is open on the business world. In addition to teaching units focusing on project management and business-related events, visits and conferences are organized throughout the year.
The Paoli Tech Engineering School offers student-engineers immersive practical work on the facilities of the Georges Peri research center's technology platforms:


MYRTE platform

PAGLIA ORBA platform

 and on the Smart-buildings platform (Corte) : 

Smart-Buildings Platform


Le projet « Modélisation et expérimentation des incendies de végétation » (appelé Projet Feux de forêt) de l’UMR CNRS 6134 SPE – Université de Corse, est composé de 20 membres (enseignants chercheurs, chargés de recherche CNRS, Ingénieurs de recherche, ATER, thésards) travaillant dans les domaines de la physique, de l’écologie, de la chimie, de l’informatique, du traitement de l’image et la vision.